Professional Development Requirements 101

Cycle 17: June 16, 2022 – June 15, 2025

Required: 54 Credits

30 Required Credits ‐ PGA Approved Education, Professional Standards Education/Training and
Specified PGA Player Engagement Programs:
‐ Attending career specific education, including serving as a speaker/instructor. Attending
education on topics such as youth safety, diversity, equity and inclusion, mental health
wellbeing. 1 credit per each hour of attendance.
‐ It is recommended that education be completed within one’s current, or desired career path
(Executive Management, Golf Operations, or Teaching and Coaching)
‐ Any online education must have an assessment which is successfully completed.
‐ Specified Player Engagement Programs – Credited Per Below
‐ PGA HOPE Clinics (1 credit for hour or each hour of participation, up to six
credits per PDR cycle year
‐ PGA Junior League (6 credits per team/season, maximum of two PGA Members earning credit
per team/season, up to twelve credits per PDR cycle year
‐ PGA Family Cup ‐ (6 credits per team/season, maximum of two PGA Members earning credit
per team/season, up to twelve credits per PDR cycle year
‐ PGA Junior Camps – (2 credits per camp week, up to six credits per PDR cycle year)
‐ Drive Chip & Putt ‐ Host PGA Professional ‐ 4 PGA Required PDR credits. Other PGA
Professionals participating/volunteering ‐ 2 PGA Required PDR credits for five to eight hours
participation, 1 PGA Required credit for four hours participation, up to eight credits per PDR
cycle year.

6 Required Credits ‐ PGA Meeting Attendance and National Survey Completion:
‐ Attending National, Section or Chapter Meetings, including Board and Committee Meetings – 1
credit per each hour of attendance. (If a meeting is offered both in‐person and virtual, in‐person
attendees will receive full credit, while virtual attendees will receive half (1/2) credit.
‐ Completing National Surveys (such as: Compensation Survey, Annual Operations Survey,
Member Offering Survey, Career Planning Survey, Revenue Scorecard) – max 2 credits per
National survey, per cycle year


54 Total Credits ‐ Credits Toward the Total Requirement:
‐ Serving the Section, Chapter, National PGA or Allied Association. Participating in advancement
of the game activities such as radio shows, TV shows, speeches, golf promotional non‐playing
events, golf clinics and other volunteer activities, such as non‐playing tournament official.
Section Surveys. (1 credit per hour of participation with a maximum of 8 credits per day)
‐ Serving as a golf coach or assistant golf coach of a high school/college golf team in a capacity not
considered the Member’s primary employment. (Maximum of 6 credits per PDR cycle year)
‐ Participation in Section sanctioned golf tournaments or tournaments conducted by the PGA of
America National Office. (2 credits per Section event. 4 credits per National event)
‐ Attending a National, Section or Allied Association Merchandise Show. (Maximum of 8 credits
per PDR cycle year. 2 credits per show)
‐ PGA approved news, media, and magazine articles or published book. (Maximum of 4 credits
per PDR cycle year. 1 credit per article)
‐ PGA National Club Championship ‐ 1 credit per year for submitting the Club Champion.
‐ High School Seminars ‐ 2 credits for participating
‐ NCCGA Event Host ‐ 2 credits for hosting
‐ NCCGA Coach ‐ 6 credits for coaching per season
‐ City Tour ‐ 2 credits for hosting